Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ricky Gervais to Host the Golden Globes... Again, for Some Reason

Ricky Gervais
Yeah, remember how The Academy Awards decided to not have a host last year and everyone loved it? Well, it turns out that The Golden Globes didn't. They decided to bring back Ricky Gervais for a record fifth time of hosting, and one can only assume that it will be more of the same from the shock jock who turned the last ceremony into a drunken mess with disregard for every award, filling every moment between commercials with hostility and profanity in what can only be described as self-flagellation that has no purpose being on TV because it's not fun to be at home and watch rich people mocking audiences for enjoying their "fun" evening. The broadcast will go on, but this awards season fan is doing everything in his power not to express how he has no plans to watch it and that Gervais gave up his humor years ago in a Robert Johnson-style bargain with the devil. Yeah, this is worse than not having a host because at least not having a host gives you dead air to fill. This is just dead weight. 

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