The Various Columns

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Every Best Picture Nominee of the 2010's Ranked: The Full List

Scene from The Grand Budapest Hotel
At long last, Summer 2020 has come to an end. To make things more interesting, I have spent every week counting down all 88 films that were nominated for Best Picture between 2010 and 2019. It's a harrowing proposition, but one that produced some fruitful reflection on the films that helped to define the decade. As a wrap-up, I thought that I would run down, one last time, the films in ranked order along with who was the highest and lowest in any given year. This is more of a numbers column. If you want to commentary one very entry, please read the original rankings. So, without further ado, here's a look at everything good and bad about The Oscars' Best Picture category. To say the least, it's an interesting bunch.

1. 12 Years a Slave
2. Boyhood
3. Mad Max: Fury Road
4. Moonlight
5. Get Out
6. The Wolf of Wall Street
7. Parasite
8. The Grand Budapest Hotel
9. The Favourite
10. Phantom Thread

11. Dunkirk
12. The Fighter
13. Zero Dark Thirty
14. Manchester By the Sea
15. Gravity
16. Call Me By Your Name
17. The Irishman
18. Boyhood
19. Inception
20. Spotlight

21. Lady Bird
22. Life of Pi
23. Black Swan
24. Django Unchained
25. A Star is Born
26. Marriage Story
27. Little Women
28. Roma
29. Amour
30. Black Panther

31. Her
32. 1917
33. Arrival
34. BlacKkKlansman
35. La La Land
36. Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood
37. Brooklyn
38. The Artist
39. Birdman
40. Toy Story 3

41. The Post
42. The Shape of Water
43. True Grit
44. The King's Speech
45. Winter's Bone
46. The Tree of Life
47. Fences
48. Midnight in Paris
49. Bridge of Spies
50. Nebraska

51. Jojo Rabbit
52. American Hustle
53. Moneyball
54. Argo
55. Selma
56. The Revenant
57. Green Book
58. Hacksaw Ridge
59. Room
60. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

61. Hugo
62. Ford v.Ferrari
63. Philomena
64. Silver Linings Playbook
65. Captain Phillips
66. The Kids Are All Right
67. American Sniper
68. Lincoln
69. Les Miserables
70. Whiplash

71. The Martian
72. Joker
73. Hell or High Water
74. Lion
75. 127 Hours
76. The Big Short
77. War Horse
78. Hidden Figures
79. The Descendants
80. The Theory of Everything

81. The Help
82. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
83. Beasts of the Southern Wild
84. Darkest Hour
85. Vice
86. Dallas Buyers Club
87. The Imitation Game
88. Bohemian Rhapsody

By the Numbers

Best Picture:

12 Years a Slave (#1)
Moonlight (#4)
Parasite (#7)
Spotlight (#20)
The Artist (#38)
Birdman (#39)
The Shape of Water (#42)
The King’s Speech (#44)
Argo (#54)
Green Book (#57)


2010 – The Social Network (#2)
2011 – The Artist (#38)
2012 – Zero Dark Thirty (#13)
2013 – 12 Years a Slave (#1)
2014 – The Grand Budapest Hotel (#8)
2015 - The Wolf of Wall Street (#6)
2016 – Moonlight (#4)
2017 – Get Out (#5)
2018 – The Favourite (#9)
2019 – Parasite (#7)


2010 – 127 Hours (#75)
2011 – Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (#82)
2012 – Beasts of the Southern Wild (#83)
2013 – Dallas Buyers Club (#86)
2014 – The Imitation Game (#87)
2015 – The Big Short (#76)
2016 – Hidden Figures (#78)
2017 – Darkest Hour (#84)
2018 - Bohemian Rhapsody (#87)
2019 – Joker (#72)

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