The Various Columns

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Trailer for "Bombshell" Shows Things Going Up for Oscar Potential

Scene from Bombshell (2019)
For those who follow modern politics very closely, there's a good chance that you have an opinion about Fox News - for better or worse. They remain one of the most influential resources in modern news, constantly being discussed as much for what they say as what their personal ethics are. With director Jay Roach's Bombshell, he decides to tackle one of the more notorious things that the news network was scrutinized for: the treatment of their female employees. The news itself was shocking when it was real, but with an all-star cast and a minimalist trailer, there's a tenseness that this new film will be a defining work not only for the ongoing Me Too movement but also an exploration of concepts like Fake News. If nothing else, it will help to add a human element to the story. 

The 2016 presidential election has quickly become seen as a turning point for a lot of social issues. It has caused Americans to question what their personal beliefs are, and what they are willing to fight for when it comes to freedoms not only for them but for others. It's an issue that continues to be fought every day. Among the most noteworthy causes to stem from this is the Me Too movement, which was built to bring sexual harassment to light. It's helped to end careers and change laws within workplaces. Figures like Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and Louis C.K. have all lost their power as a result, giving some hope that things will get better even as groups like The Academy's Time's Up do their best to achieve that.

As much as Fox News has been riled up in the "fake news" controversy that became popular around 2016, they did have one news story that could earn the sympathy of the liberal audience they don't cater to. Figures like Megyn Kelly and Gretchen Carlson made the news for calling out the network's sexual harassment and objectifying of them leading to an exodus of many of their talents, also helping to lead more scrutiny towards owner Roger Ailes' practices. It's a story that proved that everyone could be a victim in the Me Too era, even those that may seem unreasonable to certain audiences.

What can be expected of Bombshell is a film that is trying to be capital I Important, managing to reflect not only the fake news controversy but the titular bombshell of sexual harassment. The cast alone features three very promising performances with Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman, and Margot Robbie, all who have been Oscar-nominated. It's the type of film that could join the ranks of recent films like Spotlight as these journalist dramas that hit hard and leave lasting impressions. It could even help to add a three-dimensional look at the workplace that we've taken for granted. 

Check out the trailer below:

Looks really tense. Here's the plot description according to IMDb:
A few women decide to take on Fox News boss Roger Ailes and the toxic male culture he presided over at the network.
It's the perfect subject for the modern era of Oscars. With scrutiny over people receiving due diligence, this feels like a film primed to go after the major topics of the moment. The only question is whether or not it will be more than a melodrama that hits all of the right notes but none of the right tone. Many films try to be Important, but it has to feel that way as well. With a cast like this, there's a good chance that it will be something greater and revealing. It could be the drama that many are hoping for, even if the idea of sympathizing with Fox News staff seems questionable.

If nothing else, Bombshell is the umpteenth trailer this August to come out that makes the Oscar season all the more exciting. Considering that Robbie is coming off of a summer that included Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood, she is looking to have a banner year that could see her in the Oscar circles again. The same could be said for Theron, who has already been called a chameleon for how she embodies Megyn Kelly to an almost impeccable degree. There's so much that's good here, even if the trailer's minimalist approach leaves one to wonder what the rest of the film will be like. That's probably the point. Still, the acting categories have a nice blend of talent vying for nominations, and one can imagine that it's only going to get more crowded. Here's hoping that Bombshell really is that and is a film for our times.  

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