The Various Columns

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Looks Like the Best Popular Film Category Won't Be Happening After All

Scene from Black Panther
It has been a pretty past few days for The Academy. Yesterday they announced the recipients of this year's Honorary Oscars. Today, they make not so much an announcement but an apology of sorts. Around the start of the summer season, they announced a series of changes that would impact the upcoming ceremony. Among the most noteworthy and controversial was the announcement of the Best Popular Film Award. It didn't go over well, with almost general disdain felt towards the category that had yet defined guidelines. Well, for those who were worried about how this award would impact the year ahead, just know that it isn't happening, though it's unclear if this will be a permanent hiatus.

The Best Popular Film category was not popular, at all. When it was announced, there were endless think pieces dedicated to exploring why it would be considered a condescending addition. It added unnecessary distinctions between what an Oscar movie was and what were films that generally didn't win awards. It was all a confusing mess, and there's been one silver lining for those who have wanted the abolishing of this category. In an official announcement, Academy CEO Dawn Hudson noted that: 
“There has been a wide range of reactions to the introduction of a new award, and we recognize the need for further discussion with our members. We have made changes to the Oscars over the years — including this year — and we will continue to evolve while also respecting the incredible legacy of the last 90 years.”
There are those who are reading this as a triumph. At least for the next calendar year, The Academy will now reward Best Popular Film in any public capacity. It could be read as them learning from their mistakes and cancelling a category that hasn't had much positive press in the past few months. However, the allusions throughout the end of the statement suggest that things will continue to change. Even if it's not directly stated, one could assume this means that the category will be revised and reintroduced at a later date with more guidelines figured out. If that's the case, expect to have this fiasco occur over summer 2019.

This is personally seen as good news for me. I have felt that The Academy expanding Best Picture to 10 nominees was meant as a way to recognize films of every build, whether they be drama or comedy, prestige or blockbuster, etc. The category would've made The Academy unwittingly admit that this change was a failure. While blockbusters deserve to have more recognition at the ceremony (especially given that Black Panther has been a serious contender for almost seven months), it still has yet to be seen. There's other elements that are probably still up for debate, such as moving craft categories to commercial breaks. Those will likely have their dissenters no matter what happens. For now, there is one victory if just for this year. Here's hoping that if the category is rolled out again, that it goes a lot better and more inventively than it was this time. 

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