The Various Columns

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The First Trailer for "Certain Women" Has a Promising All-Star Cast

Kristen Stewart in Certain Women
Among the best female directors currently working is Kelly Reichardt. If you haven't seen her incredible western Meek's Cutoff, please give it a chance. It paints a realistic portrait of the women's experience through the eyes of Michelle Williams and a small group of travelers. In the years since, she has only continued to explore the complicated nature of humanity that also just happens to feature gorgeous cinematography and elaborate, drawn out stories that are ominous. In her latest, Certain Women, she looks to be telling a more contemporary story with a lot of meditative perks tacked on. From the looks of the first trailer, it may end up being one of the year's sleeper hits.

There are those few who probably clicked on this article and are confused. How could anything with Kristen Stewart be considered great? With that, I make the argument that Twilight may have expanded her fan base, but it also hurt her credibility. I actually think that she can be incredible with the right material - specifically in Adventureland and The Runaways. Her output has only continued to be exciting and evidence of what great independent cinema could be. Last year saw her appear in the excellent The Clouds of Sils Maria (which earned her the equivalent of a French Oscar: a first for an American). Of course, one has to see them to understand how using her subtle and low key personality actually makes sense to the film.

It is probably why I'm excited for almost anything that she is starring in. Considering that she is starring opposite Michelle Williams and Laura Dern, there's only more reason for me to be curious as to what lies ahead. Along with Personal Shopper, she has been having a pretty good year for collaborating with auteurs. As it stands, I probably would've seen this film without seeing a trailer. Reichardt has usually been reliable and even her most recent film, Night Moves, has more than enough merit. She may make slow films, but she makes fascinating ones at that.

Check out the trailer below:

Looks pretty good. Here's the plot according to IMDb:
The lives of three women intersect in small-town America, where each is imperfectly blazing a trail.
To some extent, it sounds like 3 Women from director Robert Altman - but without the mystical aspect. I wonder how this film is inevitably going to be. Considering that Reichardt has been great in the past, I am sure that it will at very least be good. Still, with Williams, Dern, and Stewart in the film, it has a strong female cast and one that I would like to think will be recognized at awards season. If not, I at least hope that this is a pretty good movie. Whatever the case may be, I am glad to be on the side of awards season, and this definitely looks to make the transition all the more worthwhile.

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