The Various Columns

Monday, April 20, 2015

A Celebration of Best Picture Films Featuring Drug Use

Scene from Annie Hall
Do you like to party? Do you like prestige movies? Well, this article is the perfect crossroads for you. In honor of 4-20, a holiday based around freebasing, here is a look at the many films that have embraced debauchery and still managed to win the Academy's love. While we won't get into the drinks, we'll take a look at every drug-fueled film that has featured some sort of substance abuse and pay tribute to those Best Picture winners and nominees that made a difference while under the influence. So, I won't harsh your buzz for much longer. Just hit the jump to find get the full experience.

American Beauty (wins: 5, nominations: 3)

Drug/s of Preference:
- Cannabis

The Departed (wins: 4, nominations: 1)

Drug/s of Preference

Forrest Gump (wins: 6, nominations: 7)

Drug/s of Preference
-Unidentified Pills

The Godfather (wins: 3, nominations: 8)

Drug/s of Preference:

The Godfather Part II (wins: 6, nominations: 5)

Drug/s of Preference:

Grand Hotel (wins: 1)

Drug/s of Preference:

No Country for Old Men (wins: 4, nominations: 4)

Drug/s of Preference:

Platoon (wins: 4, nominations: 4)

Drug/s of Preference:

Annie Hall (wins: 4, nominations: 1)

Drug/s of Preference

Birdman (wins: 4, nominations: 5)

Drug/s of Preference:

The French Connection (wins: 5, nominations: 3)

Drug/s of Preference:

The Wolf of Wall Street (nominations: 5)

Drug/s of Preference:
-Crack Cocaine

A Clockwork Orange (nominations: 4)

Drug/s of Preference:
-Moloko Plus
-Moloko Vellocet
-Synthetic Mescaline

Apocalypse Now (wins: 2, nominations: 6)

Drug/s of Preference:

Ray (wins: 2, nominations: 4)

Drug/s of Preference:

Little Miss Sunshine (wins: 2, nominations: 2)

Drug/s of Preference:

The Fighter (wins: 2, nominations: 5)

Drug/s of Preference:
-Crack Cocaine

Black Swan (wins: 1, nominations: 4)

Drug/s of Preference:

Pulp Fiction (wins: 1, nominations: 6)

Drug/s of Preference:

Lenny (nominations: 6)

Drug/s of Preference

Babel (wins: 1, nominations: 6)

Drug/s of Preference

Winter's Bone (nominations: 4)

Drug/s of Preference:

Lost in Translation (wins: 1, nominations: 3)

Drug/s of Choice: 

The Godfather Part III (nominations: 7)

Drug/s of Choice:

Goodfellas (wins: 1, nominations: 5)

Drug/s of Preference:

The Social Network (wins: 3, nominations: 5)

Drug/s of Preference

Now go be productive with your day.

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